Video games of 2023

January 3, 2024 - -

I didn’t get to play too many different games this year. Part of the reason is because I was absorbed with work, tennis, and a never-ending kitchen renovation (which deserves its own post), and a variety of other projects. The other reason is because Zelda is so damn good that it absorbed what little game playing time I had. Anyways, enjoy!


Taiji I don’t actually remember how this game got on my radar, but I’m glad it did. This is a 2D puzzle exploration world, sort of like a 2D version of The Witness. Anyways, there’s some clever puzzles and the music adds a chill, relaxing vibe. I got through hundreds of puzzles, of varying difficulty. Great game!

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom I don’t know what else I can write about Zelda that hasn’t already been written. It’s an incredible game, a worthy successor to Breath of the Wild. This game is a big reason this post is a little lacking this year, and likely a reason it’ll be lacking next year. Just like it’s predecessor, it has a stunning, beautiful world, with tons of quests. And the new building mechanic is a lot of fun to play with.

Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3 Me, my wife, and a couple friends have had a weekly cadence of playing Baldur’s Gate together, and we’ve been steadily working our way through the story. The game is essentially a highly detailed campaign in the Dungeons & Dragons universe. It’s not critical to know about D&D, but it’s helpful to get acclimated. Anyways, we’ve had an absolute blast. The writing is really fun, turn-based combat is not overly stressful, and the world is beautiful. There’s plenty to explore, and the game has a lot of fun surprises. Even though we’re not close to finishing it, I’m actually looking forward to playing it again with another character, making different decisions.

NYT Games

NYT Games I’ve gotten more into crosswords this year. I complete the Mini Crossword everyday (add me as a friend if you do the same!), and I usually do a few of the bigger ones per week. I’m still not very good at the more difficult crosswords later in the week, but I’m gradually getting better. Anyways, this has been a fun time waster for me. I also particularly enjoy Spelling Bee, and yes I still play Wordle. The annual games subscription has been worthwhile.